You are probably wondering what a good vibrator is. You can find them in many models and colours. Furthermore, each vibrator has different vibration modes, from 4 up to 11 different settings! You can make a distinction between vaginal and clitoral vibrators. In your vagina there are fewer nerve endings than in your clitoris, so it is important that you consider what stimulation satisfies you the most. Besides that, you should consider your preferences regarding to how strong (powerful) the vibrations should be, as well as the size of the sex toy.
You can only discover which is the best vibrator for you by experimenting with different models. However, you can make an educated guess, or choose a model that is suitable for both clitoral stimulation as well as penetration.
Curious which sex toy suits you best? There are many sex toys for women, but we recommend the air pressure vibrator (suction and pulsion). Experience vibration modes that allow you to gently increase the intensity, or not…
With our sex toys, you can enjoy amazing moments alone or with your partner. Our top 10 vibrators offer sex toys for every woman who wants to give herself and / or her partner pleasure and enjoyment. Have you already decided which one is your favorite sex toy? Our top 10 shows you the most popular vibrators.